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### Speed Adjustment

The Speed Adjustment tool is designed to help students control the playback speed of their lecture recordings. Whether you need to slow down the speech for detailed note-taking or speed it up for quick reviews, this tool ensures the audio remains clear and intelligible.

**How It Works:**
- **Input:** WAV audio signal of speech
- **Processing:** Applies algorithms to slow down or speed up the speech without distorting the audio
- **Output:** Adjusted WAV audio file

**Key Features:**

1. **Flexible Speed Control:** Easily adjust the playback speed of your recordings to match your preferred learning pace.
2. **Clear Audio:** Ensures that the adjusted speech remains clear and comprehensible, preserving the quality of the original recording.
3. **User-Friendly Interface:** Simple controls allow you to quickly set the desired speed, whether you want to slow down to catch every detail or speed up for quick reviews.

**Benefits for Students:**

- **Personalized Learning:** Tailor the playback speed to your individual learning needs, making it easier to follow complex material or quickly review familiar topics.
- **Enhanced Comprehension:** Slowing down the speech can help you understand difficult concepts and take more accurate notes.
- **Efficient Study Sessions:** Speeding up the playback allows you to review material more quickly, making your study sessions more efficient and effective.

Optimize your learning experience with our Speed Adjustment tool, and gain control over the pace of your lecture recordings for improved comprehension and study efficiency.


200.00 ₪Price
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